$MYST token is now listed on PancakeSwap. PancakeSwap is one of the leading Binance Smart Chain decentralized exchanges with up to $1 Bn daily trading volume. Enjoy low trading fees and various ways to earn passive income, such as yield farming or Syrup pools.
To start trading $MYST on PancakeSwap you will need to transfer your funds first from the Ethereum blockchain to Binance Smart Chain. We have prepared a step-by-step guide on how to do this transfer via the AnySwap bridge for you.
At current prices, transferring funds via the AnySwap cross-chain bridge will cost you approximately $15-$20. To support our growing community we are covering the costs of transferring funds from Ethereum to BSC, as we have done before with our QuickSwap campaign.
Campaign timeline
The campaign will start on the 22nd of September and will finish on the 28th of September. Participants will be paid their rewards between the 6th of and the 13th of October after the campaign ends.
How can I participate?
You need to transfer $MYST from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain and perform at least one transaction on PancakeSwap between the 22nd and 28th of September.
Save the links to the transaction that occurred on the Ethereum blockchain during the transfer process, and the link to your transaction on PancakeSwap, so we can confirm your participation. You can either perform one trade or add liquidity to the pool to be eligible for compensation.
Note that some tokens on PancakeSwap are displayed as “Unknown” due to the streaming services’ issues. We will update our community once this has been correctly displayed.
You can find MYST/USDC pair using this link: https://pancakeswap.finance/info/pool/0x23def92Cc33d8Aac93A1Bd2a0EB32624350949e3
Or by using the MYST BSC address: 0x2ff0b946a6782190c4fe5d4971cfe79f0b6e4df2
Please note that you will need to submit all links via this form between the 29th of September and the 5th of October.
Participation requirements
You performed at least one MYST/USDC trade on PancakeSwap between the 22nd and 28th of September AND/OR you have added funds to the MYST/USDC liquidity pool during the same period.
You have filled in this form between the 29th of September and the 5th of October, with the links to your transfer and transaction confirmed on the blockchain, as well as your BSC wallet address.
Your compensation
You will receive compensation in USDC (BEP20) for the costs of the transfer, up to a maximum of $30.
For example, Alice transferred funds from Ethereum to Binance Smart Chain and paid 0.00419 ETH for the transfer, which was $14.14 at the moment of the transaction.
Therefore, we will deposit $14.14 in USDC (BEP20) into her BSC address. If the total value of the transfer exceeds $30, we will compensate Alice $30 in USDC (BEP20).
How should I fill the form?
When you transfer funds from the Ethereum blockchain to Binance Smart Chain, usually two transactions must occur; one on the Ethereum blockchain and another on Binance Smart Chain. You need to submit proof of the Ethereum transaction. You can use a blockchain explorer like Etherscan.io which shows the transaction confirmation on the Ethereum blockchain. See the example in the screenshot below:

After that, you will need to submit a link showing your confirmed trade or added liquidity on PancakeSwap. Since PancakeSwap is a decentralized exchange, all transactions are displayed on the public blockchain. Please use the BSC blockchain explorer links to prove your confirmed trade: https://bscscan.com/ In the last step, you need to submit your wallet address used for BSC trading, where you will be able to receive your compensation in USDC (BEP20).
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